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Recruitment process

Voluntary roles are advertised on our LinkedIn page at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pawsitive-squad-cic/ 

Once we have reviewed all initial applications, if we decide to take your application further, we will invite you book an interview. We know your time is precious so we will ask you to book an interview slot yourself on our events page at a time & day that suit you. 

As part of our commitment to fair recruiting, all interviewees will receive a copy of the interview questions at least 24 hours in advanced and are invited to share any reasonable adjustment requirements they have to ensure the recruitment and interviewing process is accessible. 

Following all interviews, you will be contacted via email as soon as we have made our decision. We will let you know what we decide either way. 

©copyright 2018-2022 Pawsitive Squad CIC.

All rights Reserved.

Pawsitive Squad is a registered community interest company (non profit organisation) number 1145 1119 (England and Wales)


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